2006년 국내에 최초로 종이호일(Silidor Parchment Paper)을 선보인 브랜드
'자연에서 온 종이호일'은 200년이상의 제지역사를 가지고있는
노르웨이 노르딕페이퍼(Nordicpaper)의 펄프를 사용하여
소비자의 편의성에 초점을 맞춘, 고품질의 다양한 제품을 출시하고 있습니다.
In the heart of Scandinavia
In the heart of ScandinaviaLiving and working in the heart of Scandinavia, we are surrounded by nature. The vast forests of inland Sweden and Norway provide the raw materials for the premium Natural Greaseproof and kraft paper we produce in our four paper and pulp mills – in Bäckhammar, Åmotfors, Säffle and Greåker – and supply for our customers in more than 80 countries all around the globe
Product Safety - Hygiene
Certification helps those of us who manufacture food packaging material to ensure the productsafety, quality and legislative compliance of the packaging.
The standard covers such areas as risk analysis system, the technical management system, and requirements regarding the facility, staff and prevention of contamination.
Nordic Paper will give the same priority to Health, Enviroment and Safety as to profitability.
Clearly defined Health, Environment and Safety goals will be achived through systematic training and specific activities aimed at creating positive attitudes.
컵타입 (Cup Type)은
내유지와 파치먼트로 나뉜다.
내유지는 기존의 일반유산지와 달리 기름이
컵밖으로 잘 새어나지 않고, 주름모양이
오래유지된다. 파치먼트는 내유지에 실리콘
코팅을 더해 내용물이 더욱 쉽게 분리된다.
패스트푸드, 튀김, 생선구이등
기름진 음식 플레이팅
전자레인지에 음식을 데울때
포장및 데코 등
육류, 생선류의 해동지 또는 간지로 사용
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Q | What kind of site is Creatorlink? |
A | This pages and delevery process while ordered post didn't arrive |
Q | How do I register for Creatorlink? |
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Q | Is there a membership fee? |
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Q | How do I share my site, to make it public? |
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Q | How do I publish my site, to make it public? |
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Q | How do I share my site, to make it public? |
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Q | Can I create and edit a portfolio site using a mobile device? |
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Q | Are there any browser limitations for using Creatorlink services? |
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Q | Is Creatorlink compatible with iPads or other tablets? |
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Q | What‘s the ‘one page design‘ option in the site settings menu? |
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